Privacy Policy

Version: August 7, 2023.

Responsible for data processing is:

Emporium Staff
Augustinusstr. 60
41464 Neuss

Phone: +49 157 5309 8543

Your privacy is of paramount importance to us. Herein, we detail how we handle your data.

1. Access Data and Hosting

You can browse our website without revealing personal information. Every time you access a site, the server automatically stores a server log file. This contains details like the requested file’s name, your IP, the access time and date, data volume transferred, and the requesting provider. This data is purely for ensuring the site runs smoothly and for enhancing our services. Under Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f DSGVO, this serves our legitimate interests in presenting our offerings correctly. This access data is deleted no later than seven days post your site visit.

Third-party Hosting Services
A third-party offers our hosting and website presentation. All data acquired during website visits or provided forms are processed on their servers. Any other processing on different servers occurs within the scope defined herein. This service provider is situated in an EU or European Economic Area country.

2. Data Collection for Contract Execution and Contacting Us

We collect data you willingly provide during ordering or when contacting us (like via a contact form or email). Fields marked as mandatory are essential for contract processing or handling your contact. The data we collect can be seen in the respective input forms. We use this data to execute contracts and address your queries per Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

Should you opt to open a customer account per Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO, we’ll use your data accordingly. Post contract execution or account deletion, your data will be limited for further processing and eventually deleted post the tax and commercial law retention period, unless further usage is authorized or legally allowed.

3. Data Transfer

To fulfill contracts per Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b DSGVO, we share your data with the designated delivery company. Depending on your payment method, we forward payment data to the authorized credit institution and potentially to other payment providers or the chosen payment service. Some of these services might also collect data if you have an account with them.

Your data is deleted post contract execution and after tax and commercial law retention periods unless further usage is legally allowed or consented.

Data Transfer to Debt Collection Agencies
Unsettled payments may lead to data transfer to a debt collection agency per Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

4. Email Newsletter

Post newsletter registration, we’ll send you regular email newsletters, with your consent, per Art. 6 Para. 1 Sentence 1 lit. a DSGVO. You can unsubscribe anytime.

If we acquire your email address during a sale and you don’t object, we might send offers for similar products per Section 7 (3) of the German Unfair Competition Act (UWG).

The newsletter is dispatched by a third-party service provider situated outside the EU but recognized by the European Commission for data protection adequacy.

5. Data Use for Payment Processing

Should you choose Klarna payment services, we’ll transfer necessary data to Klarna for payment processing and identity and credit checks. In Germany, Klarna’s privacy statement outlines the credit agencies employed for these checks.

6. Cookies and Web Analysis

With your consent per Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO, we employ cookies to enhance your website experience and for market research.

Use of Google (Universal) Analytics for Web Analysis
Given your consent, we use Google (Universal) Analytics for website analysis. Google Analytics uses methods like cookies for analyzing website usage. The anonymized IP address shared with Google will not be merged with other Google data.

You can revoke this consent anytime. For instance, you can prevent Google Analytics from collecting data by clicking this link.

7. Online Marketing

Google Ads Remarketing: This website uses Google Ads to promote itself. If consented by the user, Google uses a cookie to track user behavior and display targeted ads. This cookie ID is pseudonymous and interest-based. Google may combine this data with user data if the user allows Google to link their web browsing history to their Google account. The service is offered by Google Ireland Limited, but the data may be transferred to the U.S., where the company follows the EU-US Privacy Shield. Users can opt-out of this tracking.

Google Fonts: This website uses “Google Fonts” to ensure consistent display of text. By doing so, a connection is established between the user’s browser and Google servers. Google will know the IP address from which the website was accessed. Again, data may be stored in the U.S., but Google follows the EU-US Privacy Shield.

8. Contact Options and Your Rights

Users have rights under the GDPR (DSGVO), including:

  • Right to Access (Art. 15): Users can request information about their processed personal data.
  • Right to Correction (Art. 16): Users can correct inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • Right to Erasure (Art. 17): Users can request deletion of their data unless certain conditions, like public interest or legal claims, apply.
  • Right to Restriction (Art. 18): Users can request a restriction on the processing of their data under specific conditions.
  • Data Portability (Art. 20): Users can receive their data in a commonly used format or request its transfer.
  • Right to Complain (Art. 77): Users can complain to a supervisory authority about data issues.

Users with questions or those who want to exercise their rights can contact the company using the details in the company’s imprint.